5 Helpful Golfing Tips That Are Sure to Improve Your Game

You won’t have to look far to find golfing tips designed to take your game from below par to Tiger Woods. But be careful with the promises that many of the gurus make.

Only about 2 percent of golfers can hit 80, so if you’re not quite there, don’t fret about it. As long as you implement the five tips below, you’ll be in a position to stand out from your golfing buddies and maybe even play professionally. Let’s begin!

1. Work On Swing and Form

You’ve heard it said that practice makes perfect. Golfers don’t have to hear this saying twice!

When starting out in golf, it’s tough to take all the little steps that have to be taken for the perfect swing and coordinate them into a fluid motion. It takes time and repetition.

Some of the best golfing advice you’ll hear in this regard has to do with holding your pose. Try to freeze your body in a snapshot at the end of each swing or putt.

Make note of what your wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, shoulders, and back are doing. Check-in with your legs. Memorizing your form will highlight your strengths and weaknesses in a constructive way.

2. Make Golfing Routine

Want to improve your game quickly? Put in more time at the course!

Figure out the best times for you to go. Commit to at least 30 minutes per day of working on your drive, wedge, putt, or any other aspects of your game that need help.

By treating golf like it’s a part of your daily to-do list, you’ll get more comfortable with forms. As a result, your overall performance will improve.

3. Focus On Fitness

One of the great myths of the golfing game is that those who golf are not athletes. Do 18 or 27 holes on a golf course under the blazing sun, and get back with us.

It takes superior fitness to be a great golfer, in addition to the proper form and skills. Of course, the game itself will get you into shape, but you’ll perform at a higher level if you’ve got your stamina under control from the outset.

To excel on the course, do as much cardio as you can. You’ll need it for the steps, the breathing, and the form as you move further into your game.

4. Invest in the Right Equipment

One of the most overlooked sports tips for any type of competition is to invest in the right equipment. Novices tend to think one driver or 9-iron works as good as another. Buy cheap and get going!

The reality is that equipment matters. A landscaper does his best work and gets more done with the proper cutting and edging equipment. Golfing isn’t much different, so spring for the best to help you with your journey.

5. Study Your Surroundings

As you move into playing sports of any kind, you’ll find that awareness of your surroundings is crucial. Boxers must have ring awareness, baseball players must keep their eye on the ball and each other, and golfers must know their course.

To perform better, study the course where you plan to play. What is the golf slope rating? The deeper your research, the more you’ll know what the right approach is for each new hole.

These Golfing Tips Are Par for the Course

These golfing tips will help you learn what it takes to be a great golfer. Without repetition, though, you’ll never improve.

Use these as a jumping-off point and see where the course takes you. For more sports tips and news, check out some of our additional posts!