Five Best Developmental Toys for Toddlers

Are you a first-time parent?

Raising a child for the first time can be both an exciting and gruelling experience. It often feels like you have no idea what you’re doing. However, this is all normal, and you shouldn’t think yourself a bad parent because of it.

All good parents want their child to grow up intelligent and strong. So, is there any way to help your child get ahead? You’re in luck, because there are plenty of developmental toys your child can choose from.

Play can be more than fun – it can also be educational. Read on to discover the best toys for toddlers.

1. Building Blocks

Building blocks are a cornerstone of education toys for children. This simple toy can introduce critical thinking and be the first step to improving a child’s motor skills. The ability to hold a block and grip a pen are as important as walking and sitting up.

Building blocks come as a challenge to children as it will require them to think to create a tower of blocks. This activity also helps your child better understand spatial awareness. Spatial awareness refers to an understanding of how objects move, like how a block falls.

2. Play Pretend

Toddlers are impressionable, and you may catch them mimicking things that you’re doing. They may want to take part in cooking or copy something they saw on TV. This is a great time to introduce play pretend toys.

Get your child a play kitchen set and spend the afternoon having a tea party. If they’d like to try their hand at being a mechanic, you can find a play set for that too!

3. Arts and Crafts Toys

Cultivate your child’s curiosity by giving them arts and crafts toys for toddlers. These types of developmental toys are also some of the best toys for preschoolers. Non-toxic watercolor and playdough are great mediums for young creatives.

Your child is sure to show you their products with great pride. When this happens, be sure to give them the proper encouragement. You can also post their artworks on the fridge!

Positive encouragement goes a long way, especially when your child is learning new things.

4. Music Toys

Did you know that music activates the parts of the brain that are in charge of emotion and motivation? Music can also help your child develop their memory and social skills. Xylophone are a popular option as they’re colorful and have a vibrant sound.

5. Flashcards

Is your toddler ready to learn letters and words? Flashcards are perfect for easy on-the-go learning. Many children’s flashcards are colorful and bright, which are sure to catch your child’s attention.

Do any of these developmental toys interest you? Check out Mattel to get the best toys today! 

Developmental Toys for Your Toddler

Now you know some of the best developmental toys for your growing child! Watching your child grow can be a rewarding exoerience, so make the most of it while you can! Check out our other blog posts to discover more.