Help Acne Scars Fade Away Faster With These Treatments

Acne is a common skin condition that affects over 50 million people. While it’s easy enough to treat, it tends to leave nasty scars behind.

There’s almost nothing that can drag down a person’s self-esteem faster than acne scars. You can try to cover them with makeup, but there’s only so much that concealer can do.

Depending on your situation, you may have better luck going to a professional. There is a wide range of treatment options available for scaring. You can go in for a chemical peel or schedule a microneedling session.

Check out this guide to learn more about what you can do for your scars from acne.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments fade acne scars by flattening them to some degree. You can go with an ablative or non-ablative laser option.

An ablative laser will resurface your skin by kicking the outer layer to the curb. It burns the skin tissue to encourage new growth.

Most people experience redness and bleeding for a few weeks after their treatment.

Non-ablative lasers stimulate collagen growth by tightening your skin. The treatment is pretty quick and painless. You won’t have to spend too much time healing after your session.

To learn more about laser resurfacing, you can go to For now, we’re going to move on to retinoids.


Acne often leaves dark blemishes behind. If you leave them alone, they should go away without a problem.

You can speed things up with topical retinoids. It’s not the best treatment for acne scars that involve deep depressions in the skin. You’ll have to get a professional involved for that.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels heal scars from acne by causing the top layer of your skin to blister and peel away. The result is more radiant-looking skin.

It’s not uncommon to experience some redness and irritation after your session. It will go away within a week or so.


When you go in microneedling, the professional will use a roller covered in needles to make tiny puncture wounds on the surface of your skin.

It pushes along the collagen growth process, which will improve the texture of your skin and fade the appearance of acne scars.

This treatment method can be a bit expensive because you’ll need to go in for three or four sessions.

If you want to save a little money, you can buy a kit and try to do it at home. Keep in mind that doing so can be a little risky. You may end up doing more harm than good.

Kick Your Acne Scars to the Curb

Are you tired of acne scars dragging your self-esteem down? As you can see, there are plenty of ways to improve the appearance of your skin.

Booking a microneedling session can stimulate new collagen growth. You can also go in for a chemical peel or laser resurfacing. Talk to your dermatologist to learn more about your options today.

For additional ways to take care of your skin, visit the Health section of our blog.