How to Choose the Best Bong For You

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in 17 states, and experts predict many more will follow in the coming years. Like legalized gambling, state legislators see the tax revenue and want to keep it localized.

Our country’s attitude about drugs is changing, too. No longer are we caught up in the hysterical rhetoric of our decades-long “war on drugs.”

People see now see marijuana for what it is: a relatively harmless recreational substance. Your attitude might be changing now that you live in a decriminalized state.

Are you interested in trying marijuana? There are so many marijuana accessories available; it may be hard to know which one is right for you.

Don’t worry. We have you covered. Check out our guide for how to pick the right bong for your smoking pleasure.

What is a Bong?

A bong is a pipe people use to smoke marijuana products. It’s different from other pipes like one-hitters and bowls because of its filtration system. Bongs use water to filter and cool marijuana smoke.

Bongs are great smoking devices for experienced and inexperienced smokers alike, and the proof is in their longevity. They’re centuries-old, and their use continues unabated.

Basic Bong Parts

Like all smoking accessories, bongs have functioning parts you need to know for proper use. From the most basic bong to the most advanced glass-water pipe, all bongs have the following pieces in common:

  • Bowl: Where you pack the dry marijuana
  • Downstem: Attaches to the bowl and fits inside the slide to push smoke through the water
  • Slide: Attaches the bowl to the downstem and is often removable
  • Base: The bottom portion typically filled with water
  • Tube: Long part of the bong that carries smoke from the base
  • Mouthpiece: Top of the bong where you take hits

Bongs range from very basic to intricate pieces of glass art. How to smoke remains the same. Pack the bowl, fill the base with water, ignite, and take a hit.

Questions to Answer

If you’re new to recreational marijuana, the right bong for you will be different than one for an experienced smoker. Because of their design, bongs produce more smoke. If you have sensitive lungs, you may experience pain.

With all the types of bongs available, you should ask yourself a few questions before you purchase one:

  • Are you a frequent or infrequent smoker?
  • Do you plan to smoke dried flower or dabs?
  • Are your lungs sensitive to smoke?
  • Do you want your smoking to be discrete?

Once you answer these questions, you can then begin the fun of shopping for weed pipe and bongs. Don’t be afraid to ask questions at your local smoke shop. Experienced smokers are a great resource.

What Bong is the Right Bong?

There are many aspects of bongs and water pipes to consider when looking to buy marijuana accessories. Bongs range from large table pieces to small bubblers you can fit in a bag.

Size, function, and material all matter when choosing the perfect bong.


Large bongs deliver heavy hits. If you’re a new or infrequent smoker, these rips may put you in a compromising position. You’ll get too high too quickly and have a bad smoking experience.

Most recommend small bongs for beginning or infrequent smokers. The hits aren’t as heavy, and you’ll get a more manageable high.

There is one catch to a small bong. Because small bongs don’t filter and cool like larger pipes, the smoke is much harsher. Large bongs provide smokers with sensitive lungs a more comfortable smoking experience.


All bongs deliver marijuana smoke to the user, but the characteristics of the smoke provided depend on the function of the bong. Percolator bongs and ice bongs give a smoker two unique smoking experiences.

Percolator bongs diffuse and filter smoke through the bubbling water. While all bongs filter smoke through water, a percolator adds extra filtration. This added filtration makes smoother smoke.

Ice bongs hold ice in the tube. As you draw smoke through ice cubes, the smoke cools. Ice bongs are fantastic devices for people prone to coughing. They also work great for those with sensitive lungs.


Bongs are made from glass, ceramics, silicone, wood, and a variety of other materials. The most common materials for smoking products are glass and silicone.

Glass bongs have low heat conductivity. You’re less likely to experience a too hot hit. They’re also easy to clean and maintain, and the more intricate pieces look so cool!

The drawback to glass is its breakability. If you’re not careful, an expensive piece can fall and shatter.

Silicone bongs are much more durable. There are few breaking concerns, and they can last a lifetime if you buy one made from medical-grade silicone.

Silicone has its drawbacks. Many smokers claim the material distorts the taste of their marijuana. Silicone is also porous, and stale bong water will cling to the inside of your pipe. You’ll need to change your water frequently.

These bongs also contain no percolators, and they do not have the aesthetic appeal of blown glass. Less experienced smokers benefit from the clean smoke a glass bong gives.

Buy the Best Marijuana Accessories

As marijuana legalization takes hold across the United States, more people will try it for the first time. Attitudes toward cannabis changed over the last 20 years, and you’ve likely evolved too.

When shopping for marijuana accessories, take stock of your experience level. Novice smokers’ needs are far different than experienced smokers. Start small and simple, and expand your horizons.

Also, make sure to buy all your equipment from reputable craftsmen. The best materials make for the best bongs for smokers of all levels.

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