Implementing Custom Page Objects in Cypress for Streamlined Test Maintenance

Ensuring web apps are reliable and work seamlessly is crucial in the dynamic world of software development. Let us introduce you to Cypress Testing Framework, a front-end automation testing game-changer. Cypress is convenient because of its who-friendly interface and versatile range of robust features, making it the best automation testing tool for developers and QA persons trying to improve their testing throughput. Fixing the issue, Cypress provides every possible tool for the teams to develop and run the automated tests with the utmost ease and accuracy.

They have made the developmental process smooth by designing a costless and straightforward toolbox. Cypress provides a solid framework to improve the functionality and quality of your web applications, regardless of your experience with automation testing. Come with us as we explore the Cypress universe, where innovation and testing coexist, and quality is the norm.

What are Page Objects?

Page objects are usually implemented as classes, where each class represents a particular page or part of a page. These classes include methods that simulate user activities that they can take on the website, including completing a form or clicking a button. They frequently have features, like buttons, input fields, and dropdown menus, that correspond to the page’s elements. Using Page Objects to organize test automation code makes managing UI changes easier because changes only need to be done once instead of dispersed across the test code. It increases the maintainability of automated tests, decreases redundancy, and encourages code reusability. Page Objects facilitate the creation and upkeep of durable and dependable automated test suites.

Why are Page Objects Important in Test Automation?

Page objects are essential to test automation for a number of reasons.

1.    Code Reusability

You can reuse web page elements and actions across several tests by encapsulating them into Page Objects. It promotes efficiency and cuts down on development time by avoiding the need to duplicate code to deal with the same items in different tests.

2.    Test Maintenance

Tests may be updated and maintained more easily when Page Objects keep the test code and UI elements apart. You just need to update the relevant Page Object if the user interface (UI) is altered, including the addition, deletion, or alteration of elements, instead of updating each test that interacts with those items. Time is saved, and there is a lower chance of problems resulting from manual upgrades.

3.    Enhanced Test Scalability

The tests are designed to grow and change with the application. With the scalable framework offered by Page Objects, one can modify the application’s user interface without significantly impacting the test codebase. Because of its scalability, automated tests can grow increasingly sophisticated without losing effectiveness or dependability.

4.    Improved Readability

Test scripts become easier to read and comprehend when Page Objects are used. Since the actions on each page are contained in specific methods and properties of Page Objects, the test code becomes self-explanatory. This clarity promotes information transmission and improves team member collaboration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Custom Page Objects in Cypress

Custom page objects in Cypress allow you to apply a single syntax for your objects and make them reusable, resulting in code efficiency and lower maintenance. Your tests will be easier to interpret and manage if you use page objects to abstract away the specifics of the user interface and interactions.

Here’s a detailed tutorial on setting up personalized Page Objects in Cypress:

1.    Identify Page Elements

First, identify the elements of websites that are under test, such as the functionality of sign-in and sign-up forms. It involves including any UI items—buttons, dropdown menus, input fields, etc. related to the matters concerned with IR.

2.    Create Custom Page Objects

Create distinct JavaScript classes or modules for every page or component in your program. Every page object should provide methods for accessing and modifying the components and interactions unique to that page. Here’s an example of a login page:


// LoginPage.js

class LoginPage {

  constructor() {

    this.usernameInput = ‘input[name=”username”]’;

    this.passwordInput = ‘input[name=”password”]’;

    this.loginButton = ‘button[id=”login-button”]’;


  enterUsername(username) {



  enterPassword(password) {



  clickLoginButton() {




export default LoginPage;


3.  Implement Page Object Methods

Define methods to carry out typical tasks within each page object, such as typing text, pressing buttons, and checking the visibility of elements. These techniques ought to simplify the intricacies of manipulating the DOM and offer a lucid interface for testing purposes.

4.  Integrate Page Objects with Cypress Tests

Import the custom page objects and use them in your Cypress test scripts to interact with the tested application. Call the methods defined in the page objects to conduct actions and assertions rather than interacting directly with DOM components. Here’s an example of how you’d use the LoginPage object:


// login_spec.js

import LoginPage from ‘../support/PageObjects/LoginPage’;

describe(‘Login Functionality’, () => {

  const loginPage = new LoginPage();

  beforeEach(() => {



  it(‘should login with valid credentials’, () => {




    // Add assertions to verify successful login




5.  Repeat for Other Page Objects

For additional page objects in your application, like a home page, profile page, etc., repeat steps 2-4. A separate JavaScript file and set of methods should exist for each page object to communicate with the page elements.

These instructions will help you organize your Cypress test automation framework using custom Page Objects in a way that encourages code reusability, enhances test suite scalability, and improves test maintenance.

Best Practices for Effective Page Object Implementation

To keep automated test scripts scalable and maintainable, proper Page Object implementation is essential. Consider the following best practices:

1.  Modularization

Divide prominent page elements into more manageable, modular parts corresponding to various page sections or elements. It improves the organization and maintainability of the code.

2.  Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Every page object ought to possess a solitary duty, encompassing all interactions and declarations associated with that specific page or element. It makes things more straightforward and makes debugging easier.

3.  Abstraction of Interactions

Within the page object methods, abstract away the low-level interactions with the web elements (such as clicking a button and entering text into a field). It protects the test scripts against modifications made to the UI implementation.

4.  Clear Method Naming

In page objects, use method names that are clear and understandable and correspond to the operations being carried out (e.g., `clickLoginButton()}, `enterUsername()}, `submitForm()}). It improves maintainability and readability.

5.  Parameterization

When needed, use parameterization to increase the versatility of page object methods. For example, dynamic data can be used as arguments when calling text entry or option selection methods.

6.  Encapsulation of Locators

Instead of exposing the locators (XPath, CSS selectors, etc.) directly to the test scripts, encapsulate them within the page objects. It makes managing and modifying locators simpler.

7.  Use of Page Factory

To automatically initialize page objects with the web elements, use the Page Factory pattern if you use a framework that supports it (such as Selenium WebDriver with PageFactory). It improves maintainability and cuts down on boilerplate code.

8.  Error Handling

Incorporate resilient error management systems into page objects to effectively manage unforeseen circumstances. It could involve explicit delays, retry methods for flaky pieces, or error reporting for diagnostic purposes.

9.  Documentation

Provide a detailed description of page objects that includes the goal of each method, the expected behavior, and any applicable use cases. This will aid new team members in comprehending and efficiently using the page items.

10.  Regular Maintenance

As the program develops, regularly check and update the page objects. Ensure that page objects stay up to date with UI changes so that test scripts don’t break because of out-of-date locators or methods.

By following these best practices, you can build reliable and manageable page objects that enable effective automated testing of web applications.

Benefits of Implementing Custom Page Objects

Here are a few benefits of Implementing Custom Page Objects:

●   Improved Test Readability

By abstracting away the specifics of page layout and interactions, custom page objects improve the readability of test code. Test scenarios become more straightforward and descriptive, making them accessible to team members with varying levels of application familiarity.

●   Reduced Maintenance Efforts

Modifications to the application’s UI or workflow must only be made to the page objects, not the entire test suite since page interactions are centralized within custom page objects. It guarantees that tests are reliable over iterations and reduces the time and effort needed to maintain them.

Enhanced Test Scalability

Custom page objects encourage modularization and reusability, which lays the groundwork for scalable test suites. Page objects enable seamless test maintenance and expansion as new features are added or current ones are changed without affecting other sections of the test suite.

Besides, your testing strategy will also be for the cross-browser testing platform, like LambdaTest, which will be far more effective. You can bypass certain cached items like images or web fonts through the LambdaTest API, seamlessly integrated with the Cypress test framework. It allows you to run your Cypress tests on numerous browsers and operating systems.

Through Cypress integration with LambdaTest, you can ensure that your online application runs without a hitch in various browser scenarios. With the help of this connection, you can run many Cypress tests concurrently on LambdaTest’s cloud infrastructure, significantly cutting down on test execution time and boosting productivity.

Moreover, LambdaTest has tools like responsive testing, snapshot testing, and real-time browser debugging that make finding and fixing browser compatibility problems simple. You can obtain thorough test coverage and provide a consistent user experience across all major browsers by utilizing LambdaTest.

To integrate LambdaTest with Cypress, you must install the LambdaTest Cypress CLI plugin and configure it with your LambdaTest credentials. Once set up, you can use your local environment or continuous integration and development workflow to run your Cypress tests directly on LambdaTest’s cloud platform.

You can guarantee the dependability and compatibility of your web apps across various browser environments by integrating LambdaTest into your Cypress testing framework. It will ultimately result in an improved user experience.

In Summary

To conclude, one can say that incorporating custom page objects into Cypress guarantees scalability, maintainability, and stability of the testing framework and function. Test maintenance slows the process down, code can become unreadable, and teamwork is inhibited, so keeping UI components in reusable format is necessary. We can take advantage of best practices, for instance, using methods with explicit naming and modularization and the Single Responsibility Principle to ensure that our page objects are adaptive, easily readable, and not susceptible to changes on the app under test.

Additionally, integrating LambdaTest, a cross-browser testing platform, with Cypress can provide you with more extensions regarding your web app testing if you want to check that your application is working on users’ different browsers. You may accomplish comprehensive test coverage with LambdaTest’s responsive testing, snapshot testing, and real-time debugging tools.