Integrating Cypress with Cucumber for Behavior-Driven Development Automation

A highly effective testing framework that comprises Cypress and Cucumber is called Cypress Cucumber. It helps increase communication and cooperation by enabling QA engineers and developers to collaboratively write tests using Gherkin syntax in a manner that is readable by humans. Teams use Cypress Cucumber to generate executable specifications that connect automated tests with business requirements, guaranteeing thorough software testing and specification adherence.

Among several frameworks of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), Cucumber permits developers to run final tests correctly. The main goal of the Cucumber framework is to help developers write test cases that are so understandable that even a non-professional user can grasp them when navigating to the software application.

These tests verify that the function within an application works as expected. The information is provided in a language not only consumers would understand but also be able to use properly. The toolkit has the unique skill of bridging the gap between product owners and developers, which makes it a welcomed solution as it suits the needs of both teams.

Specifically, practitioners consider the fact that the framework facilitates the Gherkin language another element that is a BDD testing tool. The language that Cucumber testers apply to describe their tests is called Gherkin. It is simple to accept even by non-technical users since it is done in plain English.

Considering that Cucumber is becoming more widely used as an automation testing tool thanks to the Gherkin language, the language is a factor that undoubtedly boosts Cucumber’s popularity. Through its plain English grammar syntax, Gherkin strives to make it easy to create test definitions. This eases understanding even for non-technical users of the system.

Cucumber and Cypress collaborate for a framework that, when put to task becomes very important for test-driven development, especially when a concise objective is the norm.

In this Cypress Cucumber blog post, we will explore how to use Cucumber with Cypress to write tests more quickly and easily.

Understanding Cypress and Cucumber

Cypress is a testing framework for the modern web-based on JavaScript. It makes it easy and efficient for developers to create automated tests for web applications. Cypress is becoming increasingly well-liked among developers because of its dependability and ease of use. It has built-in capabilities like a time-traveling debugger, real-time reloads, and automated waiting.

Conversely, Cucumber is a BDD tool that enables stakeholders to define application behavior using Gherkin syntax-based plain-text. Giving technical and non-technical stakeholders a consistent vocabulary to express software requirements promotes cooperation. Because cucumber scenarios are written in a human-readable style, everyone on the project team can access them.

Benefits of Integrating Cypress with Cucumber

There are various advantages to integrating Cypress and Cucumber:

1.    Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Approach

Cucumber enables humans to use Gherkin syntax to write test scenarios legibly. Because everyone on the team can comprehend and contribute to the test scenarios, this encourages cooperation between technical and non-technical team members.

2.    Clear Test Documentation

Testers and developers can more easily comprehend the program’s intended behavior when test scenarios are documented using Gherkin syntax, which offers a clear and straightforward method.

3.    Reusability and Modularity

Cucumber allows users to create reusable step definitions and share them between feature files and scenarios. This lessens the need for duplicate test code and encourages code reuse.

4.    Integration with Cypress

Cypress is a test-driven approach to design weaving functionalities of a web app in end-to-end tests. This consistency is achieved because Cucumber has Gherkin as its syntax, and Cypress is the strong player. Hence, Cypress and Cucumber enable one’s ability to exploit their different strengths.

5.    Cross-Browser Testing

Cypress helps with cross-browser testing so you can ensure your web application works properly in various browsers. Because of its connection with Cucumber, Cucumber scenarios can be run across multiple browser settings, guaranteeing compatibility in different environments.

Further improving cross-browser testing skills can be achieved by utilizing services such as LambdaTest. With LambdaTest’s cloud-based testing infrastructure, you can run your Cypress tests on various browsers and operating systems. It guarantees thorough coverage and aids in the early detection of any browser-specific problems during the development process.

By combining LambdaTest with Cucumber and Cypress, companies can automate and simplify their cross-browser testing. Teams can effectively check their application’s functionality across various browsers using LambdaTest’s comprehensive browser coverage and features like parallel testing, guaranteeing a flawless user experience.

Configuring Cucumber with Cypress

To incorporate Cypress with Cucumber, take the following steps:

  • Set up Cypress: Install Cypress first, either with yarn or npm. Cypress can be installed locally and run as part of the individual project’s dependency tree or deployed as a global package.
  • Install the Cucumber plugin: Lets build Cucumber scenarios to the Cypress tests with the Cypress Cucumber plugin now.
  • Configure Cypress: Make Cypress so that your test framework is Cucumber. To define where feature files and step definitions are located, update the Cypress configuration file.
  • Create feature files: Create feature files that specify the program’s desired behavior by utilizing the Gherkin syntax. The directory called cypress/integration is where feature files should be found.
  • Apply the step definitions: Implement the step definitions for the scenarios listed in the feature files. The executable code communicating with the application is mapped to each step in the scenario-by-step definitions.

Writing Feature Files in Gherkin Syntax

Feature files written in Gherkin syntax usually have a systematic structure that describes how a software feature or user story operates. An example of writing a feature file in Gherkin syntax is provided below:


Feature: Login Functionality

  As a registered user

  I want to be able to log in to my account

  So that I can access the application’s features


    Given the user navigates to the login page

  Scenario: Successful Login

    Given I enter my valid username and password

    When I click the login button

    Then I should be redirected to the dashboard

  Scenario: Invalid Login

    Given I enter an invalid username or password

    When I click the login button

    Then I should see an error message indicating invalid credentials

    And I should remain on the login page


In this example:

  • Feature: Describes the feature being tested.
  • As a… I want to… So that…: Provides a high-level description of the feature from the user’s perspective.
  • Background: Contains steps that are common to all scenarios in the feature file. It’s optional but useful for setting up preconditions.
  • Scenario: Describes a specific test scenario. Each scenario consists of steps written in Given-When-Then format.
  • Given: Represents the initial context or setup for the scenario.
  • When: Represents the action or event being performed.
  • Then: Represents the expected outcome or result of the action.

The feature file clearly explains the desired behavior and acts as documentation for the feature. Both technical and non-technical stakeholders may easily understand it, encouraging teamwork and clarity.

Implementing Step Definitions

Cucumber’s step definitions are JavaScript functions corresponding to the Gherkin syntax-written steps in the feature files. The actions outlined in the feature files are implemented in these step definitions. Here’s how to use step definitions in JavaScript:


const { Given, When, Then } = require(‘cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps’);

Given(‘the user navigates to the login page’, () => {

  // Implementation to navigate to the login page



When(‘I enter my valid username and password’, () => {

  // Implementation to enter valid username and password




When(‘I click the login button’, () => {

  // Implementation to click the login button



Then(‘I should be redirected to the dashboard’, () => {

  // Implementation to verify redirection to the dashboard

  cy.url().should(‘include’, ‘/dashboard’);


Then(‘I should see an error message indicating invalid credentials’, () => {

  // Implementation to verify error message for invalid credentials

  cy.get(‘.error-message’).should(‘be.visible’).and(‘contain’, ‘Invalid credentials’);


Then(‘I should remain on the login page’, () => {

  // Implementation to verify that the user is still on the login page

  cy.url().should(‘include’, ‘/login’);



In this example:

  • Given, When, Then: Cucumber’s keywords define steps in the feature files. They are imported from `cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps`.
  • Every step definition function has an associated step detailed in the feature file.
  • Cypress commands are used inside each function to communicate with the tested application.
  • Assertions can be added using Cypress commands like `.should()` to verify the expected behavior.

Cucumber can efficiently carry out the test scenarios thanks to these step definitions, which supply the automation logic for the tasks outlined in the feature files.

Executing Tests With Cypress and Cucumber

You may use Cypress with Cucumber to run tests by performing the following steps:

1.    Install Dependencies

Ensure that your project has the Cypress and Cucumber dependencies installed. With npm, you may install them:


   npm install cypress cucumber cypress-cucumber-preprocessor –save-dev


2.    Configure Cypress and Cucumber Preprocessor

Set up Cypress to utilize the preprocessor Cucumber. Follow the following configuration to update your `cypress/plugins/index.js` file:


   const cucumber = require(‘cypress-cucumber-preprocessor’).default;

   module.exports = (on, config) => {

     on(‘file:preprocessor’, cucumber());



3.    Write Feature Files

Write your test cases in `.feature} files located in the `cypress/integration} directory using Gherkin syntax.

4.    Implement Step Definitions

To specify the automation logic for the stages outlined in the feature files, implement step definitions in JavaScript.

5.    Run Tests

Instead of the Cypress GUI, you can use Cypress CLI to execute your test. To run Cypress tests, add a script to your `package.json` file:


   “scripts”: {

     “cypress:open”: “cypress open”



   Then, run Cypress using the following command:


   npm run cypress:open


6.    Select Feature Files

Once Cypress has opened, choose which feature files to launch. Cypress will use the specified step definitions to run the tests.

7.    View Test Results

Cypress’s interactive test runner interface will provide the test results, including which steps passed and which failed, once the tests have run.

8.    Debugging

If any tests are unsuccessful, you can examine the application’s status and resolve any problems with Cypress’s integrated debugging tools.

Best Practices for Effective Integration

Take into consideration the following best practices to guarantee a seamless integration between Cypress and Cucumber:

  • Keep scenarios independent: To prevent dependencies between tests, create scenarios that are independent of one another.
  • Use meaningful step definitions: Ensure each step’s intended behavior is communicated using comprehensive step definitions.
  • Avoid flakiness: Avoid writing erratic tests that sometimes fail by writing deterministic, trustworthy tests.
  • Refactor step definitions: Maintain clean, maintainable step definitions by reviewing and refining them regularly.
  • Ensure clear communication: To guarantee agreement on testing objectives, scenarios, and implementation specifics, team members collaborating on the integration of Cypress and Cucumber should keep lines of communication open. It facilitates the early resolution of any ambiguities or inconsistencies during the development process, resulting in more seamless integration and enhanced test coverage overall.


To sum up, there are a lot of benefits to integrating Cypress with Cucumber for testing, especially in terms of encouraging teamwork, guaranteeing precise documentation, and improving test readability. Teams may verify that their web apps fulfill user expectations and business objectives by utilizing Cypress’s strong testing features and Cucumber’s Gherkin syntax to streamline testing operations.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) techniques are strengthened by this integration, allowing teams to create tests in a language that both technical and non-technical stakeholders can comprehend. Testing and business goals are in line, which fosters improved teamwork and communication and, in the end, produces higher-caliber software.

Teams can get the most out of Cypress and Cucumber by adhering to best practices and keeping lines of communication open throughout the integration process. It will lead to more dependable tests and quicker development cycles.

Ultimately, integrating Cucumber and Cypress facilitates teamwork, clarity, and efficiency in the testing process, enabling teams to build thorough end-to-end tests. By embracing this integration and following best practices, teams may produce excellent web apps that satisfy users’ and stakeholders’ requirements.