Revision Notes

Exam preparations are incomplete without revision notes. Many students have a habit of creating revision notes side by side when they read and understand any new concept. It is a good habit of making notes when you read any new topic. It helps you to keep important points in mind. 

But some students are often not able to understand how to make such elaborated revision notes. They end up puzzled in the last minutes of their exam. You also have tried to make revision notes many times during your preparation period. Many of you also got confused and mugged up when it was time to use these notes for recalling main pointers. If you have faced these issues in many of your exams, this article will help you in many ways. 

Before understanding how to prepare effective and useful revision notes, first, understand what the literal meaning of “revision notes” is. Revision notes are pointers written in a formatted way to help you recall all the essential topics and formulae at the time of exams. As you cannot read the whole syllabus again just before going for your exam, these revision notes help you to keep the vital things from your course curriculum in mind. 

Students get benefits from revision notes every time they prepare them. But sometimes, many students get confused and mix up things when it comes to using these revision notes for recalling essential topics. Revision notes are no doubt the best and creative practice to keep all the vital things in mind. It helps you to solve many questions during the exam with ease. Sometimes, you will come across one or two questions in your exam paper that you have just read a few minutes ago. 

Revision notes are the most creative thing a student can prepare that will help him/her in exams. But many students are not familiar with the art of creating effective revision notes. Putting your efforts and dedication in preparing revision notes is also very important as these will be the last learning material that you can go through like 2 minutes before entering the exam hall. With this much importance, they should be well written and effective enough so that they can serve their purpose. This article will tell you the main pointers you should always keep in mind while preparing revision notes for yourself.

Main points to keep in mind while preparing revision notes

Revision notes are always the most valuable study material. They are the most fruitful material you will come across during preparations. The more the books and assignment booklets having questions to practice for, the more valuable your revision notes become. Before preparing them, you should keep some of the essential points in mind. These key features of revision notes will help you to create effective and most valuable material for yourself.

  • Revision notes should be always crisp and on point. Never use long sentences in your notes. It will make your notes lengthy and boring. Always try to keep every piece of information in a crisp format. Use small point-to-point words which are of more importance.
  • Highlight the essential terms. When you highlight important points in your notes using several colors, it helps your notes to look good and attracts the reader’s interest. Highlighting the main topics, terms, and equations will help you to recall them within few seconds.
  • Add all the required information in a proper format. Formatting your notes is very much important. It helps your revision notes to look clean and understandable. When you keep the essential information in a proper format, it will be easy for you to understand the relationship of each term with other concepts.
  • Make use of colors, tables, charts, and shades. It is the best way to make your revision notes attractive. When you highlight important points with different colors and their shades, it straight away grabs your attention towards themselves. Information in the form of tables and charts will allow you to analyze the written information quickly and more comfortably.
  • Add only relevant and important information in your notes. Many students do the mistake of adding more information that is not necessary for their notes. They end up getting huge notes of many pages. Lengthy notes distract your attention because of the time it will take for you to finish them. Always try to keep the irrelevant information away from your revision notes. Information from your curriculum is not very important, and you can easily remember it.  Read and learn them thoroughly rather than writing and adding them in the notes. 
  • Make use of figures in the notes for better understanding. In subjects like Science, Social Science, Hindi, and English, make use of figures to depict the important points for a particular topic. Make use of G.O. (Graphical Orientation) to depict the characteristics of a particular character. You can use G.O to write the characteristics of wars or fighters in Social Science, story characters in Hindi and English, ecosystems, or microorganisms in science, and so on. 
  • Take help from NCERT textbooks for reliable information. Adding irrelevant information in your notes is not a good idea. NCERT textbooks are the most reliable and trustworthy study material for getting the right information. CBSE considers NCERT textbooks as the standard books to be referred to. Taking help from them will be a good choice to keep your revision notes simple and effective. 

Preparing effective notes is an art where you put your creativity to get fruitful results. Revision notes can be the best study material for you to practice and keep all the important topics in mind. It can help you in getting good grades when used properly. 

Always look for the right and easy language when preparing revision notes. In the last minutes before the exam, the simpler the form of a topic would be, the more it will benefit you to understand and recall the importance with ease. Never chaotically put the information. Simple and sorted notes can do wonders in helping you achieve your set goals.