Make It From Scratch: How to Build Your Own Furniture

36% of Americans do DIY projects to upgrade their living space. Not only can these be fun projects, but you might just save a little money in the process as well! Not to mention, you’ll have unique results you can be proud to say, “I did this on my own.”

One project many people are tackling is building their own furniture. If you’ve got some extra time at home, why not try this yourself? You might be surprised at just what you can create!

Keep reading to find out how you can build your own furniture.


Flea market finds to upcycle are the perfect place to start, especially if you’re building on a budget and don’t want to spend too much time crafting furniture pieces from the ground up.

Take an afternoon or two to browse your choices and pick the most affordable and sturdy pieces you can find. Bring them home, give them a good clean, and then check out what you want to replace and modify.

For example, you can strip the existing paint and give it a different and new color. Or you can remove the existing rickety legs and replace them with industrial dining table legs instead.

The possibilities are endless, and with your “Frankenstein” ideas, you can truly create special pieces of furniture no one else has in their homes.

Building From Scratch

If you’re up for a real challenge, you can also make it from scratch too. This will cost a little more in time and money, but you’ll have confidence knowing 100% that you have a one-of-a-kind piece.

First, you’ll want to determine what materials you want to use. Reclaimed wood and metal are good choices since not only are you recycling, but you’ll get a nice rustic look as well.

Then, you should hop online and look for furniture-building tutorials. If you’re a visual learner, then YouTube videos are an excellent option, as you’ll get to see users walk you through each step.

Now, you should use these as general blueprints and then put your own spin on things. Of course, always test your DIY furniture out to make sure they’re structurally sound and won’t break when you least expect it.

Lastly, you need to sand down wood, plus paint and varnish it. If you’ve used metal in your furniture, it can be worth it to perform rust treatment to keep it lasting for years.

Build Your Own Furniture Like a Pro

Embarking on a journey to build your own furniture is no easy feat. You’ll pour lots of sweat and tears into it, but in the end, it’ll be worth it when you have something you can proudly display.

Plus, it can be a fun project to occupy your time with, and you’ll learn some new skills along the way too!

If you enjoyed these DIY furniture ideas, then check out the rest of our blog for more home improvement tips!