Male Grooming: How to Look After Your Beard, Skin, and Hands

Gone are the days where women were the only ones who could look after their appearance. In today’s society, self-care and male grooming isn’t just the norm; it is actively encouraged. A little bit of personal grooming can help boost your aesthetic appeal, which, in turn, can raise self-esteem and help you feel good about yourself. Here are three self-care tips to help you be the best that you can be.

Beard Care

Whether you like a little stubble all over the face or you’re building up to a full beard, every man should know how to care for their facial hair. Most men who shave will know that coarse, dry hair can irritate the skin. To tackle this, make sure you clean, condition, and moisturize your beard properly. If your beard is full, use the same shampoo and conditioner you use for your head on your face. Short hair will benefit from beard oil. Beard oil may sound like a product made for hipsters, but it can actually hydrate your hair and nourish your skin. Not to mention, it helps open your pores and encourages growth. This enables your beard to grow out more evenly. For a styled look, add a touch of beard wax to keep your facial fuzz neat and tidy. Beard maintenance products can be costly. However, The Art of Shaving $25 off coupon is ideal for men who want to look good without forking out too much money.

Skin Care

For some men, skin care involves hopping into the shower, lathering up, rinsing, then toweling off. Although this can be all that’s necessary for the lucky few, if you find that your skin is looking dull and lackluster, then you need to make a few changes. Exfoliating your skin can help remove dirt, sebum, and dead skin cells from your body. By removing these impurities, you can unblock your pores and allow the skin to breathe. Clogged pores can lead to spots and blackheads. Most people find exfoliating 2 to 3 times a week is enough to brighten the skin, but people with naturally oily skin may benefit from exfoliating more often. On the other hand, cleansing and moisturizing is beneficial for the skin and should be done twice a day. Cleansing helps to prevent breakouts and should be performed every morning and evening. Moisturizers and lotions help restore hydration to the face and body, and they can help the skin form a natural, protective barrier to stop pores from clogging up with dirt. This should be the final step to your skin care routine.

Hand Care

Hand care is often forgotten about, but the hands are an important asset to your body. Not only do you need your hands to perform everyday tasks, but you also use them to help you eat and to shake hands with new people. It is important to keep your hands clean for hygienic reasons and well-maintained for good first impressions. Remember to cut your nails and use hand lotion regularly.