Stand Out: 5 Tips for Creative Headshots

Did you know that more than 70% of the population forms their first impression of you before you even speak? If you rely on headshots for your job, whether with potential clients or potential employers, the photos you choose can make or break your first impression.

With this in mind, professional but creative headshots can make you stand out, solidifying your reputation in the minds of others. But how do you balance creativity and professionalism to maximize the effects your headshots have?

Wonder no more, because we put together this quick and easy guide to making fun, creative headshots!

1. Be Real

Your photo should be professional, but it should also be real. You don’t want it to be misleading. The best way to feel authentic and modern is to be you!

Whatever the aspects of your personality or career are that you want to accentuate, incorporate them in your headshot. For example, if you value your positivity, don’t give a stone-faced headshot. Instead, use one where your natural smile comes through.

2. Unique Backgrounds

Most headshot photography uses a standard backdrop, to avoid making too strong of a statement. But, this risks you blending right into the background!

You can use unique colors, or natural, outdoors scenes. Try to capture the space that best embodies your work. For example, if you’re an artist, consider a studio or museum space. If you’re going for a professional vibe, use a studio or conference room.

You don’t have to travel to get the perfect background. It can be difficult to get the right photo on the right background while keeping good lighting. Instead, use the Adobe guide to remove background scenery and replace it with your own!

This allows you to experiment with a few creative headshot ideas before committing.

3. Experiment With Selfies

Before committing to a headshot, also consider experimenting with a few selfies. Use them as a canvas to try different expressions, clothes, color palettes, and other factors that influence your appearance.

For example, see how your diet, water, and sleep levels affect your appearance and capitalize on them! Take your photos in a good outfit, and when you’re looking your best.

4. Use a Tripod

Once you’ve graduated from selfies and are ready to get professional, use a tripod with a remote button if you’re alone. If you’re having someone else take them for you, be clear on what you want in the frame.

You can edit the background afterward, of course, but the angle of the photo can’t be changed afterward so get it right the first time!

5. Use the Light

The most important factor in any photo shoot is light. No matter where you’re planning to take your creative professional headshots, make sure that the light is right.

Try to have some light on your eyes for a warm-looking photograph, and to accentuate your eye color! If the sun is too strong, mute it with some sheer fabric.

Take Your Best Creative Headshots Today

Now that you have a good starting place, don’t hesitate anymore! Start taking some photos and experimenting with your settings and self-presentation. Creative headshots are all about expressing your personality, so use your individualism to your benefit.

You’ll have an impressive set of photos and a great first impression in no time. If you enjoyed learning how to take a great headshot, you’ll love our other content so check out our blog for more!