The Mom Guide to Focus Games for Kids

Does your kid have a smartphone, a tablet, or access to a computer daily? If so then you’ll probably soon find that they start to become obsessed with them. These kinds of games do kids harm. 

A better way is to find focus games for kids that you can play together and help kids improve focus. Computers and screens shorten attention span. 

So what kind of focus games for kids can you play to help your kids become the best they can be? Here’s everything you need to know.

Mindfulness Games 

Mindfulness games are games that help children and adults develop concentration and concentration skills. In addition to therapy, you can play other games with your child to develop focus, concentration, and concentration.

For children who have difficulty concentrating, play is also a great way to explore.

Besides special playtime, other positive things to do with your child are always good for you and your child. Try to play special games with your child at the same time every day. As your skill level improves, you can increase the time you spend with your kid using special games.

Choosing The Right Time And Place

You and your child will have more fun with your child if you choose a time when you can focus on entertainment, not be distracted by different activities, and when the weather is predictable.

If you offer short, age-appropriate activities that are challenging but not impossible, your child will begin to spend a little more time as they get older.    

The correct amount of time a child can focus solely on one activity is approximately 2-3 minutes for each year of life. Child development experts say the average 4-5 year old should be able to focus on a task for two to five minutes once a year of their age.

If you are concerned about your child’s ability to concentrate, first ask yourself if you expect him to concentrate for a manageable period. As your child’s concentration increases with practice, his ability to focus will also increase. Keep an eye on your child’s attention span during preschool and make sure it slowly increases over time.    

If you want to strengthen your child’s attention and focus, narrow in on kills that your child can learn and reinforce every day.


When kids need help paying attention, you want to help your child develop better self-regulation skills. You can do this by using focus games for kids with them.

These are all great strategies to use in the classroom, but they don’t cover how you can start helping your child develop focus, self-control, and focus at home.

Luckily, there are several ways you can help your child at home to make it easier for them to focus at school. Most of the pieces you consume on how to help kids with a lack of concentration in school suggest keeping children removed from distractions.

Make Learning Fun 

Experts also suggest making learning fun, changing teaching methods, setting a daily routine, etc.

In an example to help your child to focus, your child will play the teacher (whom he turns into the role of a teacher), and you will play the child who is always confused, distracted, delayed, and unable to concentrate at school.    

Parents with a child who has ADHD should employ a mental health professional to develop a plan to help improve their child’s concentration.

Children with ADHD often benefit from more than one work intervention to help them focus. For children with attention deficits, however, the bottom line is that exercise improves sleep, which in turn reduces ADHD symptoms in children.

Organized Sports    

Organized sports and other physical activities can help kids with ADHD build up energy for healthy fat burning and focus on certain movements and skills.

Exercise can help children focus, and elementary school kids who take breaks from class to be active during the day can better focus on their homework. Giving your kids free time to play and run after school (no electronic devices) can help them perform better when it’s time to focus.


Have your kids meet with mom or dad one-on-one while working on a puzzle, coloring the picture, drawing with their fingers, or participating in a water game (pull a boat into a sink, pour water into a funnel or sieve).

In addition to spending time together, you will see the importance of many of the lessons our children learn through playing together. 

When older kids have friends, older kids often play board games that they want to interact in that way rather than sitting on their smartphones. Kids can use their imagination and you feel a little less guilty for them not playing the violin or learning fractions. One-on-one games also help improve focus for ADHD kids. 

Game Examples 

Creative hand or mind games can be played with a child to help kids improve focus, concentration, and attention. All of these games are suitable for children and can be adapted as activities to keep students focused in the classroom.

For example, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, card games, and matching games are useful as concentration and attention games.    

Focus Games for Kids Are Important 

According to the researchers, certain focus games for kids are important and may have a positive effect on brain activity. Their concentration and attention skills can be improved through games that require attention, comparison, working memory, visual scanning, etc.

Attention span or concentration is the child’s ability to pay undivided attention to a particular task. Studies reveal that kids who spend more time in front of a screen or playing video games have lower attention spans and lose focus compared with those who help kids improve focus. 

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