Things You Need to Know About Asthma

People having asthma can never forget the attack they go through. They can easily tell you how it feels. From having a little difficulty in breathing to extreme breathlessness, the symptoms of asthma vary from person to person. It occurs due to the constriction of your bronchioles, which makes it difficult to breathe. Your bronchioles are a surface for the exchange of gases, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. When they get constricted, you can not breathe with ease. Asthma occurs as the response of your body to allergens or other triggers. It is a lifelong condition that can be acute or chronic. But once you are diagnosed with it, you need to take care of yourself. In this article, we will discuss things you must know about asthma. If you feel difficulty in breathing, you must visit Asthma Doctors in Lahore.

Symptoms of Asthma

Firstly, you need to know about the symptoms of asthma. The most common signs and symptoms of an asthma attack are;

Wheezing – whistling sound from your chest



Chest tightness

A severe asthmatic attack may cause;

Wheezing, cough, and chest tightness that becomes severe and constant

Being too breathless to eat, speak or even sleep

Unable to lie straight on your back

Increased respiratory rate- Breathing faster

Increased heart rate





Blue lips or fingers


Understand the pathophysiology

To take good care of your asthma, you must know the pathophysiology, which means what happens inside your body during an asthma attack. This knowledge can help you in understanding medication intake and protecting yourself. During an asthma attack, three changes take place in your airways, also known as bronchioles, that hinder the flow of oxygen to the lungs and make it harder to breathe.

Inflammation– during an asthma attack, your bronchioles get inflamed and swollen in response to a trigger like pollen, dust mites, and dust.

Increased mucus production– during an asthma attack, due to inflammation and irritation, the mucus production is increased that clogs the already narrowed airways.

Muscle tightening– tightening of smooth muscles of the airways occurs- also known as bronchoconstriction.

Know About your Medication

During an acute attack, you need to take bronchodilators like salbutamol. Whereas in the long term, your doctor may prescribe an inhaled steroid. Also, use an inhaler through the spacer, as it will alleviate problems that arise due to poor using technique.

Know the Side Effects

Asthma is a lifelong condition. Often, you need to take its medication for the long term. Taking bronchodilators may cause your heart rate to go up. Therefore you should take it only when needed. Inhaled steroid inhalers have a potential side effect of oral fungal candidiasis- the fungal infection of the oral cavity. To prevent it, you must swish and splash or rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after using the inhaler.

Have an Action Plan

You should have an action plan in your hand given by your doctor. So that you know which medications you need to take during an acute attack. Also, the doctor should mention the number of puffs of the inhaler you can take to treat an asthma attack. Moreover, the plan should also contain information and ways to avoid potential triggers that exacerbate asthma. It must also guide you about developing symptoms of asthma and how you can control it without increasing the severity.

Be Cautious About Pets

People who love pets are crazy about them. But if you are asthmatic, you need to take extra care, need to be more cautious. Letting your pet sleep with yourself on the bed is the worst thing you can do to yourself if you are asthmatic. It is the reason often due to which it becomes hard for asthmatic people with pets to control their symptoms. Pets can become a good source to transfer dust, mites, and pollens from outside to your room, where you sleep and stay for a long time. The more time your pet spends in your room, the more chances arise for increased allergen count you will experience.

Do not Leave Medications

Many people tend to leave asthma medication as they feel well. If you do the same, it can be lethal for you. Asthma is a lifelong condition that can worsen upon exposure to triggers. Therefore your healthcare providers prescribe medications as prophylaxis that help prevent the occurrence of an asthma attack. If you leave medications, even if you are feeling well, you will go back to square one. To remain healthy and active, you need to take asthma medication, even if you feel fine. Once you leave medications and asthma attack exacerbates, you need to take them from step one, which takes more time and effort to treat. If you stop taking your asthma medications, you can easily develop its symptoms.


Asthma is a lifelong condition that comes and goes away on its own. However, you can play a role by protecting yourself from getting exposed to certain triggers. Moreover, as soon as you recognize the symptoms of asthma coming, you must take inhalers as your priority. If you delay taking medication, it can become a life-threatening condition. Asthma, if well managed, does not hinder your life. But if you leave it unmanaged, it can make it difficult for you to even talk. If you have the same complaint, you must visit an Asthma Specialist in Karachi.