What to Know About SARMs

If you’re no stranger to bodybuilding or athletic pursuits, then you’re no doubt familiar with plateaus. Every athlete meets them at some point along their fitness journey.

SARMs are a widely used muscle drug that have been gaining traction in the fitness world for a couple of decades now. When most people think about taking PEDs they think of anabolic steroids, but the long list of negative side effects associated with their misuse can put most athletes off.

SARMs offer a safer alternative to help you bust through plateaus and take huge steps forward in your fitness journey. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about SARMs.

What Are SARMs?

“SARMs” stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. They work in a similar way to anabolic steroids, but unlike steroids, they only target the androgen receptors of the body.

For those who don’t like the idea of injecting anything into their body, you’ll be pleased to hear that SARMs are mainly taken orally. Injectable SARMs have become available over the last few years, but tablets and capsules are still the preferred methods of administration.

They are experimental drugs that were originally designed to treat conditions such as muscle wasting in cancer patients. However, the bodybuilding world quickly cottoned on to the fact that SARMs could provide several benefits to an intense training regimen

The Benefits of SARMs

All SARMs work slightly differently. SARMs such as Cardarine and Andarine are used by athletes looking to get rid of unwanted fat. Other SARMs such as Ligandrol and Testolone are used by those looking to increase their training output and size.

While each SARM requires a careful review to ascertain whether it is right for your specific needs, the main benefits of SARMs are:

  • Help build muscle mass
  • Help burn fat
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Increased endurance
  • Improved well-being

These are the main benefits, but it’s important to note that each SARM works differently. When you’re looking for SARMs for sale, be sure to research each SARM carefully.

Are SARMs Safe?

The big question when it comes to SARMs is, “are they safe?” In comparison to anabolic steroids, they’re considered much safer, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t come without potential risks.

Steroidal SARMs such as Testolone and Ligandrol will artificially increase your testosterone levels. This is great for during your cycle, but when you artificially increase the amount of testosterone in your body, you stop producing it naturally. This can cause a shut down in testosterone production that reaps havoc when you finish your cycle.

To counteract this, SARMs users either run a PCT supplement at the end of their cycle to help rebalance their testosterone level, or they simply run a shorter cycle at a lower dose. The longer you take SARMs and the higher dose, the more likely you are to encounter side effects.

The other main risk with SARMs is hepatotoxicity. Because they are taken orally, they are processed by the liver. When running any SARMs cycle, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and use a liver support supplement such as NAC or TUDCA.

Are SARMs the Ultimate Muscle Drug?

SARMs show a lot of promise as a muscle drug. When used correctly and as a part of a vigorous training routine along with a balanced diet, SARMs can help you take your training to the next level.

Always be sure to do a little research into potential suppliers and use the internet to research each SARM to be sure you know exactly how to take them and what to expect.

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