Why It’s Important to Decrease Carbon Emissions?

In 2020, the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission level declined by 5.8%, thanks to the pandemic. This was the largest decline ever, which gives us hope to continue on this trajectory.

But even though there was a decline in carbon emissions, it still amounted to 31.5 Gt. Unfortunately, this led to CO2 levels reaching 412.5 parts per million, which is the highest it’s ever been.

More than ever before, we need to decrease carbon emissions. But you might be thinking, “Why is this necessary? What happens if we don’t?”

Keep reading to see why we need to decrease carbon emissions and what actions can help.

It Leads to Poor Air Quality

Carbon dioxide is the waste product we breathe out after processing oxygen from the air. This should already hint that the more CO2 is in the air, the worse it is for us to breathe.

If our air keeps being polluted with CO2, then the air quality will get worse. If we aren’t able to breathe clean air, then this can cause a number of health problems, such as lung disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

In the worst-case scenario, it’ll cause lots of premature deaths.

It’ll Put More Pressure on Our Healthcare Systems

The above health conditions won’t necessarily cause immediate deaths, but they’ll cause serious problems. In addition, they’ll exascerbate pre-existing health conditions. As a result, people will need to see their doctors more, and this will overwhelm healthcare systems.

If we can decrease carbon emissions, this will keep people in better health. That way, doctors and other medical professionals will have more time to dedicate to those who truly need their services.

It Accelerates Climate Change

Most people have heard of the greenhouse effect, but in case you haven’t, think of, well, a greenhouse. In one, the temperatures rise because light and heat are reflected by the glass.

In the case of our planet, the CO2 in the air acts as the “glass”. It then traps heat underneath, which can increase temperatures. However, that’s not all it’ll do.

You might’ve noticed recent patterns in weather that weren’t normal in earlier decades. We’re constantly setting records for hot temperatures, as well as cold ones. Freak snowstorms, hurricanes, and more are hitting more often.

Unfortunately, all this extreme weather is looking to be the norm, especially if we don’t reduce carbon emissions soon.

There Will Be More Wildfires

On that note, there will be more wildfires in the world. In fact, it can perpetuate a vicious cycle!

Carbon emissions drive extreme weather conditions, such as heat waves, which can cause wildfires. In turn, when there’s fire burning, it releases CO2 into the air.

If we don’t put a stop to this cycle, then not only do we accelerate carbon emissions, but it also destroys precious habitats for wildlife. Some of these fires can even creep into neighborhoods and cause irreparable damage and injure or kill people. Not to mention, it also puts a lot of pressure on emergency responders, fire departments, and forest and land management professionals.

Sea Levels Will Rise

Another consequence of climate change is rising sea levels. It might not sound like a big deal, but this has a detrimental effect on the coast, for both wildlife and people.

In addition, as the sea levels rise, this can negatively impact our infrastructure. For example, it can destroy roads and bridge, as well as subways.

Other things like landfills, power plants, sewage treatment plants, and oil and gas wells can become damaged or destroyed too.

Rising temperatures can melt sea ice, which also contributes to rising sea levels. Should all glaciers on this planet melt, then every coastal city would become flooded!

The Ocean Will Become More Acidic

Many people don’t know this, but the ocean absorbs almost a third of the CO2 in our planet’s atmosphere! The pH decreases as a result, which makes the ocean more acidic.

As we increase carbon emissions, the ocean will absorb more CO2, which makes it grow acidic faster. Just a small change of 0.1 pH units can increase acidity by 30%, which isn’t livable for some aquatic life. For example, we’re currently witnessing coral bleaching, which puts the corals more at risk of dying.

There Will Be More Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases

When Mother Nature wreaks havoc, there are heavy consequences on our lands. Our food can be contaminated with chemicals and metals when floods, wildfires, and doughts happen. Extreme temperatures and weather conditions can also ruin crops, as farmers are used to growing them under normal conditions.

Our drinking water can also become contaminated with pathogens from droughts and floods. 

It’ll Ruin Our Planet’s Biodiversity

What makes our world so beautiful is its biodiversity. But any change in an environment can be enough to wipe out entire species, and we’re not just talking about plants either. While animals can adapt to change better than plants can, there’s still the very real possibility that some species can become endangered or even extinct with enough climate change.

How to Decrease Carbon Emissions

Now that you know the importance of decreasing carbon emissions, you might be wondering about what we need to do to achieve this. Here are some great ideas.

Travel Greener

Planes output a huge amount of carbon dioxide, so don’t fly unless you really have to. If you’re going on vacation or a business trip, think of other greener ways you can get to your destination, even if it takes a little longer or costs a bit more.

The same goes for your daily commute. Cars also emit a lot of carbon, so rethink the way you get to work.

Maybe start a work carpool, or ditch the car and walk or bike to work instead. If those options aren’t feasible, then look into public transportation if your area has reliable methods to get around.

If you must drive, then make sure your vehicle’s in good condition. Always check its tire pressure and take it for checkups and repairs when needed.

Use Clean/Renewable Energy

Our dependence on fossil fuels is terrible for the environment. But thankfully, there are many clean and renewable energy options out there!

You can always add solar panels to your home. Businesses can switch to wind turbines and geothermal energy.

If you live somewhere where you can choose your energy provider, then look for one that uses renewable energy.

Make Energy-Efficient Changes to Your Home

Check your home’s insulation to ensure there are no drafts. If there are, take the appropriate measures to fix that, such as using weatherstripping.

You should also replace all incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent ones, as these can be a lot more energy efficient. In addition, use cold water for your laundry loads.

Avoid using single-use products, as they’ll just end up in landfills. On that note, you should try to reuse things as much as possible, and when you can’t anymore, make sure to recycle!

This is a win-win situation, as not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you’ll also save some money!

Eat Less Meat

Beef and lamb are the biggest culprits for carbon emissions, although all livestock contribute a fair amount. This means that not only should you eat less meat, but also less dairy as well.

It can be hard switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet, but there are many great products that’ll have you second-guessing whether you’re eating plant-based food or not!

Capture Carbon

This action might not be feasible for you to do on your own, but it’s a cool idea! Instead of focusing on reducing carbon emissions, some companies are trying to capture existing carbon in the atmosphere to help even more.

If you’re wondering about how to capture carbon, it’s a fascinating process. Basically, CO2 is captured from the air and then permanently stored through methods like underground mineralization. The CO2 is then turned into carbonate minerals.

Decrease Carbon Emissions to Save the Planet

By now, it should be clear that we need to decrease carbon emissions. Otherwise, we risk destroying our planet Earth.

Make sure to share this article and put our tips into practice. After all, knowledge is power!

When everyone does their part, this can decrease the environmental impact we have. And together, we can save our world and create a better future for later generations. To read more on improving the environment, take a look at our other blog articles now.