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Twitter offers huge marketing opportunities for a brand. Twitter is often neglected by Digital Marketing for the lack of knowledge on how effectively to use it to gain marketing advantages. A brand’s message can be globally promoted in no time if it is a recognized brand. Even unknown, new or small brands can use Twitter in reaching its content or brand announcements to global or local audiences with strategic placements of ads and publishing of organic content. In general, Twitter works best for known and high authority brands without even any pushing of their content, because of a large follower base for Blurn, digital marketing expert sydney and immediate recognition by users. 

If you are not a bigger brand or enjoying a large following on Twitter, this shall not be your cause for concern. You can follow very many principles and steps to highlight your brand, reach out to your intended audience and score better with numerous tractions. Only that your marketing has to be tightly packed and planned narrowing down objectives and focus. Twitter offers a host of remarkable features which can be effectively leveraged to reach your audience and build your brand in the long run. 

Scope of Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging site which allows a maximum of 280 text characters for your messages which are called the Tweets. With regards to the reach of your content on Tweet, there are multiple ways your content reaches the users on Twitter. They are:

Unpaid or Organic Method: another. In the Organic Method; your Tweets will reach those users who are your Followers on Twitter. The more number of Followers you have, the more reach you get. 

Paid Method or Advertisement: Twitter offers multiple paid promotion options to get your message across to audiences. You can choose the ad formats that befit your specific objective and right away shoot your ads. Your ad budget and ad settings determine how your ads are going to perform and make their reach. 

Hashtags: These are common identifiers which will make a word or phrase a linked text. The hashtags help all the content pieces that have used  the same hashtags within Twitter to be easily retrievable. Hashtags also helps to build connectivity or link to a series of Tweet posts. When numerous users check for Tweets with a hashtag, your Tweets with the same hashtags are likely to be seen by those users.

Retweets: When someone does a Retweet, it means he/she is sharing the same Tweet as it is without any addition in his/her account so that his/her Followers can see the Retweeted Tweet.

@mentions: When other users mention your account id which has an @ in the front of your account name in their Tweets, it is called an @mention. Your Twitter gets to reach huge audience in two ways: 

  1. If the users @mentioning your account has a huge number of Followers.
  2. If a large number of users do @mention of your account id.

Internal & External Searches: 

When Twitter users search for people, images, video or topic through Twitter’s search function, your Tweets get found within Twitter. 

People can even find your content on Twitter when they do searches in Google and other search engines for relevant content. 

Brand Authority: If you are a brand or personality of very high reputation, authority or global recognition, Twitter shows your profile when new users sign up with Twitter and you are more likely to be Followed by the new users. Users who have followed a Twitter account will get their Tweets onto their Timeline. This is a bonanza for the brand as it has not taken any effort to push its content or add users to follow their brand. Even for the existing users, Twitter shows the popular accounts as suggestions in your niche or topic which is a boost for the high authority brand’s Twitter Marketing efforts.

Twitter as a Marketing Tool

Twitter is used by Digital Marketers to get interactions and engagements to their posts and also traffic to their webpage. Twitter can be used for multiple marketing purposes such as product launches, brand introduction, company announcements, offer announcements, contests, polls, advertisements, call outs, call to actions, product showcase, awareness campaigns, Public Relations, creating sensations, etc.

Through Twitter, you can promote all types of contents such as shorter texts, images, videos, infographics, website links and hashtags.

Multiple marketing objectives can be achieved through Twitter. They include brand reach, brand building, getting traffic to your website, booking for an event or a show, troubleshooting an issue, content promotion, driving online sales, triggering downloads of e-assets, product education, concept illustration, etc.

Twitter as a marketing platform can be effectively used to reach millions of users around the world or in a specific region, locality or segment through demographic and geographic target audience setting with additional filters on the genders, languages, age groups, user types, operating platforms and  devices used with your own budget control.

Twitter Marketing Ideas

You can use distinctive and creative ideas to promote your content on Twitter. Marketing on Twitter is essentially about how best you use it through ideas, tactics and strategies. You can use Twitter for promoting your news items, run a series of contests and polls, promote live product launches, build support for your CSR cause, using it as a product launchpad, announcing upcoming products, showcasing corporate events and giving updates on your business.

Twitter can also be used as a recruitment tool to promote your brand. You can use your Twitter handle to promote your brand identities by getting it mentioned all over repeatedly by high value accounts and personalities. Twitter can be used as a great content marketing tool by creating and promoting your own unique content over a long time to get the desired results in the long run.  You can reap rich dividends if you use Twitter to build popularity, become an Authority in your specific niche, engage with your prospects and potential buyers, and get your guest posts published, get guest interviews and receive brand referrals.

Moreover, you can promote your ebooks, generate leads to your landing pages, and build trust, credibility and respect for your brand slowly and steadily. You can use Twitter automation tools for better implementation of your Twitter Strategy by using automation tools to schedule and publish your posts using Hootsuite, Social Oomph, etc., measure Twitter Marketing effectiveness such as engagements and responses, read social sentiments using Social Mention and to research hashtags and find your most suitable and relevant accounts in niche and competition. 

Effectiveness of Twitter

The organic form of Twitter Marketing takes  a lot of time to give you considerable results. It requires a great deal of discipline and consistency in your content posting, quality and attitude. As you focus on brand building with all your sincerity first, conversions follow suit. For instant and immediate results such as brand reach and conversions. Use Twitter Ads with great pieces of text and graphic at your creative best. This enables you to reach out to even millions of your potential customers and help you achieve your objectives forthwith.


When it comes to Twitter, all roads lead to consistency, frequency and quality of posts and ads. Begin well, sustain it and win it.

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