Worker's Rights: Do You Have a Valid Slip and Fall Claim

Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims and result in over 1 million emergency room visits each year. In 2020, there were over 211,000 slips and falls in the workplace and over 800 of them resulted in the death of the worker.

The vast majority of slip and fall accidents are preventable. When proper safety precautions are taken, safety training is provided, and the workplace emphasizes safety, slips and falls can be avoided.

If you’ve been injured at work due to a slip and fall, you likely have a workers’ comp case. Read on to learn more about your rights and whether your slip and fall claim is valid.

Read on to learn more about hiring a personal injury attorney to handle your case. 

You Were Injured

If you are injured at work, then you have grounds to file a workers’ compensation claim. You will need to seek medical attention right away in order to remain in compliance with most company and state policies. Because most states require employers to carry workers’ comp insurance, claims often go through the state. 

When you are injured at work, be sure you follow the proper procedure for notifying your manager, seeking medical attention, and filing an accident report in the time specified by your state or employer. 

Were You Acting Unsafely or Under the Influence? 

Unlike other types of personal injury claims, workers’ comp cases are most likely “no fault” cases. This means that as long as you were at work, you can receive workers’ comp benefits even if you were responsible. 

However, there are some exceptions to this. If you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work, for example, your claim can be denied. If you were intentionally using equipment improperly, your claim could also be denied.

Was Your Claim Denied?

Many workers’ comp claims are initially denied. Remember that the insurance company wants to protect their bottom line, so they often look for a reason to deny your claim, such as claiming that you had a pre-existing condition that caused your injury or that you were acting recklessly, which resulted in your slip and fall. 

If your claim is denied, you may appeal your case. Appeals can be long and complicated through, and to improve your chances of success, you should consider hiring a workers comp attorney. An attorney understands how the process works, how to build a case, and how to demonstrate that your injuries were due to your workplace slip and fall. 

Slip and Fall Workers’ Comp Claims 

Slip and fall accidents are common at work and are likely to result in missed days of work (resulting in lost wages) and trips to the emergency room. If you have been injured at work, you should consider hiring a workers’ comp attorney to help improve your success. 

If you found this article to be useful, check out more of our workers’ comp and personal injury articles as well.